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Containers are world travellers. They end up in a wide variety of situations. Thanks to their robust yet flexible nature, they always perform extremely well. At CARU Containers, we supply containers for all kinds of different situations. Some are very obvious, while others are more unique. We have listed a few for you here.
Equip a container with workbenches, storage cabinets and electrics and you have a perfect workshop for a construction site or ship. Need more space? Two containers can be easily linked together to create a larger space. Ideal for working or taking a break.
The most unusual workshop supplied by CARU Containers? That would definitely be The Ocean Cleanup, Boyan Slats' initiative to remove plastic waste from the oceans in an innovative way. The workshop we developed is used worldwide for machine repairs and maintenance. We feel that this is something we can take pride in.
Companies, sports clubs and schools like using containers to store their stuff. Compact 8ft containers are perfect for smaller amounts of equipment. And with our largest size, the 40ft High Cube container, you won't be running out of space any time soon.
Since schools or sports clubs have very different requirements for storage containers than a paint company, for example, containers can be adapted. How? Take a canoe club that wants to hang canoes on the side walls of a 12-metre long container. Or drip trays in the containers of a paint company, to ensure that leaking paint is captured and does not end up in the environment.
When do garages run out of space? Twice a year: when huge numbers of people change their summer tyres for winter tyres and vice versa. At these times, containers are ideal for keeping the supply of tyres going. Supermarkets also have these kinds of peak moments, for example around Christmas. They like to rent containers at these times to house their extra large stock of Christmas items. And in the cold months before Christmas, there are containers all over the country where Christmas tree sellers store their stock at night.
In the construction sector, containers perform more functions than just those of a workplace, break or storage area. Construction or renovation work is often carried out in crowded areas with little space, especially in cities. Here, containers often regulate the safe flow of cyclists and pedestrians. How? By using them as tunnels. Doors out, link the containers together and voilà. Holes in the walls provide daylight and thanks to interior lighting, the tunnels can also be used in the evening.
Containers are the ideal guardians of valuable goods. Take a company that repairs computers and laptops, for example. Expensive parts can gain extra protection when stored in a container with an alarm. Not surprisingly, quite a few containers end up in secure warehouses full of valuables.
The extra robust steel offshore containers often end up on oil and gas platforms all over the world. Here, for example, they might serve as control rooms or house large items of equipment. Offshore containers are built to withstand the harshest weather conditions. Storms and heavy rain? They just shrug it off.
In 1956, the American Malcolm McLean invented the shipping container with a single purpose in mind: transport. The large metal containers, with the same sizes and characteristics worldwide, ensure that goods can be transported super-efficiently. So where do you see containers the most? Full of goods on ships, trains and trucks.
Would you like to know more about our containers? Contact account manager Marco van Vugt at [email protected] or call +31 10 491 4444.